Saturday, December 17, 2005

Portraits are fun

Here's a painting of my friend Jen. Done in photoshop... 4 hours. Haha my roommate kept on finding newer flaws each time he looked at it. It could've been completed in 3 hrs maybe. But its good that he was there to critique it or else jen would've had a mustache.. at the least! hahah. thanks. enjoy.


andrew said...

Real nice painting Tony.....good use of colour

~ Lu said...

Yup, really really nice! Well done Tony! It looks awesome. Now that your girlfriend is visiting you you have to try do it with a life model!

LBseahag said...

That is some mad talent...amazing..

Unknown said...

I think it's a lovely painting. The crit I'd give you is on the hair. I'd bump up the specularity and also have more groups of flat color in the darker areas.

Tony Truong said...

Andrew - thanks

Lu - Thanks ma. Hahaha my gf forgot her book so that means she will not sit still!

LBseaLady - thankyou very much. I enjoyed your blog.

Bob - Thanks for the constructive review. I see what you are saying now...(i kinda wanna go back to add that in.. nah, maybe on my next portrait) um.. and I blame it on my roommate! hahaha. Kept on telling me, "ok stop, its done, its done!" Thanks again.

Kt Shy said...

thats really really nice!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that portrait's really really nice! Great job, Tony!