Sunday, November 06, 2005

Pin-up Girl Tag... I'M IT!

This piece was done almost entirely on Flash; the wings were done on photoshop.

I got tagged by Katie... check her out by clicking here

Barth Sidious has finally joined the blogside... wow, how lame was that?! Anyway, here's his contribution.

View Mike Barth's blog by clicking here.

Btw, Barthy here is a very talented guy and is also my roommate.

Show him some love people...

I know I sure did. Take that Barb and Amy!

Click here for Alina Chau's page.



Kt Shy said...

sweeeeeeeet, tony! My turn!

Unknown said...

Cool stuffs!! The pumpkin carvings are awesome!

Unknown said...


Thank you for inviting me to your tag game. Would love to join your tag game. Personally as a girl, I am not into creating pin-up girl ... can I draw cute fashionish sort of girl instead? HE ! HE!!

Unknown said...


HE!! No worry, I wouldb't get offended with pin-up arts. :) I appreciate good pin up arts.

Kareem Thompson said...

Hey tony what up, nice work on you blog here, lata!

Mike Barth said...

cool, we have a group coming together. Hey KT!!!! you Doooeeeyyyyy.... awsome stuff Tony....i could walk down the hall and see it in person.... but you were too lazy to talk to me.. so there!!.
Hello alina... :)

keep up the good work bud